Cohare List (All Hashes)

All Hashes

The hares who've had the shame of haring with Shit Schute Suit
Hasher Name EventNumber Location
Hot Tub Slut 23 Campbell county circuit court
Mrs. Pussy 31 Haps
Shaving Ryan's Privates 35 Anderson Library
Shaving Ryan's Privates 38 50 West Brewpub
Wet, Creamy, and Delicious 38 50 West Brewpub
Mrs. Pussy 44 Hap's Irish Pub
Mrs. Pussy 47 Where Ridgewood Golfcourse used to be
Shaving Ryan's Privates 49 Behind what used to be Hillside Gastropub
Mrs. Pussy 74 Mariemont
Marvin's Condom Contents 132 The Gruff