The List of Hashers

Hashers at Hash Number 118 (Miamiville Tavern)

Hasher Name Abbreviation
Captain Cockpit Captain
One Night Stand unknown
Marvin's Condom Contents MCC
Beat It SueAnn
Hot Tub Slut HTS, Hot Tub, slut
Ascot to Mouth Ascot
Grey's Anatomy Kevin
Vesparate Housewife Just James T
Dirty Flamingo Just Kayla
Lil John JJ
1/4" Dick Insider Her Quiddich
Blood-Sucking Bonnet Banger Bonnet
Y=Pi Pi
H&R Cock
Double Dribble DD
Splash Gordon Splash
2 + Poo = Whore 2 + Poo = Whore
Dreams of Dick
Wet, Creamy, and Delicious Creamy, wcd
Shaving Ryan's Privates SRP
Dicklopedia Friend of Shaving
Cock-A-TuTu CAT, Tutu