The List of Hashes

The hashes Eatapus has done

Hash Number Hyper Location Description Date City
546 No Casa de Pisster None 2008/11/08 (Sat) Milford
444 No Horace Mann School Halloween Costume Hash 2006/10/28 (Sat) Dayton
432 No Deer Park Inn Toga Hash 2006/08/19 (Sat) Cincinnati
386 No Longworth Hall The 2nd Anal SCH4 Talk Like A Pirate Hash 2005/09/17 (Sat) Cincinnati
379 No Parking Lot [Approximate location] The Auf Wiedersehen Hash 2005/08/20 (Sat) Loveland
372 No Camp Washington Community Center Another Urban Shiggy Hash 2005/06/25 (Sat) Cincinnati
363 No Thriftway None 2005/04/02 (Sat) Blue Ash
351 No Highland Hills Park Xmas Hash 2004/12/11 (Sat) Fort Thomas
346 No JD's Honky Tonk and Emporium First Anal 7 Hills Hash-A-Thong - Leg2 2004/11/13 (Sat) Cincinnati
347 No House of Blue Balls [location: not yet] First Anal 7 Hills Hash-A-Thong - Leg3 2004/11/13 (Sat) Cincinnati
345 No Garfield Park First Anal 7 Hills Hash-A-Thong - Leg1 2004/11/13 (Sat) Cincinnati
336 No Fountain Square The Anti-CCV Hash 2004/08/21 (Sat) Cincinnati
255 No Kellogg Soccer Field SCH4 7th Analversary 2002/09/21 (Sat) Cincinnati
246 No Bruce's Canoe Livery 2nd Anal Splish Splash Hash 2002/08/10 (Sat) Loveland
228 No Thriftway Virgin(ian) take over 2002/03/09 (Sat) Cincinnati
225 No The Diner parking lot Mardi Gras / VD Hash 2002/02/09 (Sat) Cincinnati
220 No Grand Central Station Xmas Hash 2001/12/15 (Sat) Norwood
216 No CVS Phamacy Sixty Nina / Stinky Winkie Wedding Hash 2001/11/03 (Sat) Cincinnati
214 No Head First Cafe 7th Anal SCH4 / DH3 Red Dress Hash 2001/10/20 (Sat) Cincinnati
211 No Lunken Playing Fields SCH4 6th Analversary 2001/09/22 (Sat) Cincinnati
207 No Fourth & Plum Parking Lot Illegal Hash 2001/08/11 (Sat) Cincinnati
197 No Nagel Middle School None 2001/06/02 (Sat) Cincinnati
196 No WalMart None 2001/05/19 (Sat) Cincinnati