2016: Year in review

Event Details

Hyper Hashes
True Hashes

People Details

True Hares
Hyper Hares
Overall Hares

Newbie Details

Newbie Hashers
Newbie True Hares
Newbie Hyper Hares
Newbie Overall Hares

Hasher Counts

* 2016 hashing count listed
    Hasher CountHot Tub Slut 50Tender Titties 42Moose Knuckle Crunch 41Fourgasm 40Scrum Dumpster 38Golden Showers 34Y=Pi 33Beat It 30No Funyun 29Herpe The Love Bug 29Elephant Retardy Ass 29H&R Cock 28Dah Gimp 26Ugandarrhea 26Shut The Fuck Up 26Icebox 25Spoiled Meat 25Boneless (DH3) 24Crack Whore 21Cock In A Box 21Dr Whooters 20Pecker Checker 18Ribbed 4 Her Pleasure 18Porkless 18Fag Futbol 17Goes Down Dirty 17Flaming Pickle Licker 16More Leggs 16Dick Lips 15Cock-a-Noodle 14Quarter Barrel 14I. M. Cumming 14Grand Theft Twauto 13Sir Squirtsalot 13Bubble Cum 12Vonder Twat 12Banker Bitch 12The Unalicker 12Jerkns & the Butternuts 12Dick-a-langelo 12Broke Dick Mountain 12Best Blow 12Shamcock (SCH4) 12Curb Feeler 111/4" Dick Insider Her 11Dreams of Dick 11Gourmet 11Hyper Hand Job 11Jason & The Gargle Nuts 10Little Lady Boner 103-Way Time 10Vagina Slime 9Penis Head 9Tilt-A-Girl 9Little Boy Blue Balls 9Call Thurman 8AssTek 8Bitch, Moan & Wine 8Princess Sassy Pants 8Tight New Twat 8Tiny Tool 7Undercovers 7Missionary Impossible (DH3) 7Space Oddtitty 6Half a Finger 6Stocks & Bondage 6Deep Swallows (DH3) 6Boobzilla 6Dodge My Balls 6Cunt-Put 6Pumps til it Burns (DH3) 6What A Cunt! 5Amish Roadkill 5Kiddie Kevorkian 5Afro Samurai 5Fluffer 5St Eager Retriever 5Black Pussy 5Stranger Danger Zone 5Grade A Unit 5Hot Wax Me Officer 5NHN Megan 072016 4Bermuda Triangle RIP 4Gentlemen Start My Twat 4Certified Vaginal Gunk 4NHN Grant Bierley 4Ralphie the Frat Boy 4I'm Not Gay 4Cumming Counts 4Crack Packer 4Skin to Win 4NHN Dan Magill 4Sir Peesalot 4Psychedelic CumFountain 4Ass Hopper 43 & Out 4Soggy Sparks 4NHN Polly Ireton 082016 4Finger In Dog's Orifice 4Weird Al Spankabitch 4G Spot 3Carniwhore 324 Hour Manchanic 3Anal? Oh darling! 3Moochin' Wench 3Mother Inferior 3Uncle Touches Puzzle Basement 3Ascot to Mouth 3Pedaltration 3Ballzheimers 3Don't Give A Blow 3Doesn't Dive Down 3Menage A Neuf 3Jimmy Buffet and the Shit Stained Penis 3NHN Adam 082016 3Thar She Blows 3TMI General 3Oedipussy 3Flabong Me 3America's Most Flaunted 3Yes! Yes! Yes! 3Can't Find Tail 3Gang Bang Style 3Fat Drunk & Stupid 3Flicka 3Shaving Ryan's Privates 3Padiddle (RIP) 3Hung on the Fence 3Finnish On My Face 3Semper Pi 3Dog Blower 3Knotty Cow Pussy 3Cum Brew Lay 3When Hairy Met Chunky 3Little Enchilada 3BushWhacker FudgePacker 3Queef 'n' Cheddar 3Return to Gender 3Pink Mustache 3Whip It Out 3NHN Mur 082016 3Lassie 3Tig o Bitties 34 Whores and 7 Queers Ago 3Upright Position 3I Munch Skins 3Pulls His Own 3Clam Chops 3Gender Bender 3Sax a ma bone 3One Way (DH3) 3Samuel L Booty Hoe Jackson 3Candyman 3Moon 3Package Checker 3Brown & Runny 3VD 3Sno Balls 3Turkasian Squirts 3NHN Agnes Sister of Moore Legs 3Wind Tunnel 3Candy Ass 3The Black Clap 3Mu-Sick 3Ball Smasher 3JailBait 3Leggo My Preggo 3Droopy Drawers 3Kappa Grabba Cock 3NHN Anthony (Fag Futbols friend) 3NHN Mitch Caley 3illuminutti 3Village Idiot 3Any Cock'll Do 3Deadwood 3NHN Nicole 082016 3Showcase Shartdown 3Calendar Girl 3NHN David Lee 2Kenny Kan't Kum 2I Came First 2Mazel Top Off 2Venereal Disease 2Loose Caboose 2Hellbound (RIP) 2Head Wetter 23's Company 5's Just Right 2El Douche Bag 2Bush Wacker (DH3) 2Jekyll n Freaky 2Catwoman 2Morning Sickness 2NHN 1575 Candace Harmeyer 2NHN 1611 Mike Kraeutle 2NHN Veronica Davis 2Shitty Shitty Gang Bang 2Put it Back In 2Cumz Loaded 2Say Bitches 2Ben Shikkin 2Massive Anal Penetration Syndrome 2Tiny Heine (RIP) 2TURD Burgler 2Sphynxras 2NHN Jeff Mc 071016 2Bimbo Flasher 2Martha Screw-Her 2Dumbs of Anarchy 2Pinocchiho 2Vommitt Dog 2NHN Krista 072016 2NHN Misty 1668 2Pole Dancer (RIP) 2Assotope 2French Porn 2NHN Dana Bock 2Pink Cum Socks 2Up Chuck Phuck (Jax H3) 1NHN Steve McMillian 102016 1NHN Herpe's Brother Jeff 1Ditch The Bitch 1NHN Steve Ferdelman 1NHN Kun-Po Li 1NHN Tony Chuuucks friend 1NHN Jeremy Nolan 1Half Wit 1Summer's Eve 1Gay Horse Dancer 1Cuntpletely Forgettable 1Locknut Monster 1Beer Run 1Dead Fucker 1NHN Herpe's Brother Chris 1NHN Tim (DH3) 1NHN Eric Southerington 1Blondie McFucksalot 1Surprise! I'm Illiterate (NY) 1Dick Long and Prosper 1Salad Tosser 1Dungeons & Crayons 1Busted Clitteratti 1Famunda 1Cock Spotter 1Gaelic Pasties 1NHN Henry 092016 1Dead Fucker Whore 1Sister Mary Cum Guzzler 1Pat Bonetar 1NHN Jenni Arnett 1Marbleous Asshole 1Cheeky Basterd 1Honey Doo Doo 1Battery Operated Boyfriend 1Ohio Phuck Guy 1Let Me Know 1Sonicum 1NHN Jake Lewis 062016 1Flog My Sister's Salty Snatch 1Miracle Grow 1Flour In The Hole 1NHN Ross Hicks 1NHN 1266 1First Hare In The Bush 1Can I get you off ? 1Death by Snu-Snu 1Crotch Thumper 1NHN Amy Kumle 1Scarred for Life 1Facial Duty 1NHN Claire Shumaker 1Teqila Whore 1Chicken Thugget Begawk! 1One and Done 1Pool Tool 1Stunt Boobs 1NHN Matt 062016 1NHN Nathan Ginger Duncanson 062016 1Thumper Humper 1Curdled Cum 1In A Heartbeat 1Useless Seaman 1NHN Ryan Laber 102016 1Nhn Ed O'Connell 1NHN Cherie Gentry 1Facial Discrimination 1Ginger Snatch 1Geordi LaForeskin 1Priority Male 1Scratch & Sniff 1NHN Mike 060316 1Elmo's Fuck Buddy 1Foreign Foreplayed Iowa Soiled 1Anal Avenger 1NHN 1626 Nancy Cochran 1NHN Bo Aker 082016 1NHN Evan Mansker 1Projectile Dog Shit 11/2 Speed 1NHN 1588 1Strap On Santa (RIP) 1NHN Remy Brundage 1Pinky Pleasure 1NHN Chuck (DH3) 1Slapyamama (DH3) 1NHN Kim Weinfurtner 1Chairman of the Whore 1Double Click 4 Dick 1Sloppy Thirds 1Dangerous Dismount 1Short Hares 1NHN Jeny 060516 1NHN 1012 1NHN 1626 Ryan Patel 1Pubic Zirconia 1NHN Tara Cox 092016 1Who Gives A Shit 1NHN Sharon strizak 102016 1Nhn Jason Flaig 1NHN Michele (DH3) 1Sommers Eve 1Kitty Kitty Gang Bang 1Cosmopolitits 1Screen My Bike 1Anal Nicole 1NHN Steve-O McLaughlin 1NHN 1652 David DeVare 1That's Not Gonna Work 1Get A Room 1NHN Aric Wooley 1NHN Adam Niggebrugge 102016 1NHN Maddie friend of more leggs 1Boobs Dicks S Boobs 1Jingle Dingle 1NHN Nikol (DH3) 1NHN Liz Bangs 1NHN Gaven Tebbe 1Chuuuck 1Mandatory Fun 1NHN 1633 1Eat My Meat 1Backdoor Buzz 1Eager Beaver DH3 1Screws On First 1NHN Andrew 1667 1Lick Herp Package 1NHN Katie Robinson 1

True Haring Counts

* 2016 true haring count listed
    Hasher CountHot Tub Slut 10Elephant Retardy Ass 7Fourgasm 6Moose Knuckle Crunch 6Tender Titties 5H&R Cock 5Spoiled Meat 5Cock-a-Noodle 4Herpe The Love Bug 4The Unalicker 4Shut The Fuck Up 4Vonder Twat 4Little Boy Blue Balls 3Cock In A Box 3Golden Showers 3Best Blow 3Scrum Dumpster 3Y=Pi 2Pecker Checker 2Gourmet 2Crack Whore 2More Leggs 2Afro Samurai 2Porkless 2Icebox 1Martha Screw-Her 1Vommitt Dog 1Dick-a-langelo 13-Way Time 1Ribbed 4 Her Pleasure 1I'm Not Gay 1Priority Male 1Sir Peesalot 1No Funyun 1Menage A Neuf 1AssTek 1NHN Agnes Sister of Moore Legs 1Shamcock (SCH4) 1Wind Tunnel 1Hyper Hand Job 1Jerkns & the Butternuts 1Screws On First 1Ugandarrhea 1Chairman of the Whore 1Summer's Eve 1NHN 1611 Mike Kraeutle 1Soggy Sparks 1Dah Gimp 1

Hyper Haring Counts

* 2016 hyper haring count listed
    Hasher CountHot Tub Slut 5Scrum Dumpster 5Moose Knuckle Crunch 4Dah Gimp 4Best Blow 4Ugandarrhea 3Goes Down Dirty 3Broke Dick Mountain 2H&R Cock 2Golden Showers 2Beat It 2Elephant Retardy Ass 2Icebox 1Jason & The Gargle Nuts 1Tender Titties 1Y=Pi 1No Funyun 1The Unalicker 1Stocks & Bondage 1Vagina Slime 1Fluffer 1Kenny Kan't Kum 14 Whores and 7 Queers Ago 1NHN Grant Bierley 1NHN 1611 Mike Kraeutle 1St Eager Retriever 1Droopy Drawers 1

Overall Haring Counts

* 2016 overall haring count listed
    Hasher CountHot Tub Slut 15Moose Knuckle Crunch 10Elephant Retardy Ass 9Scrum Dumpster 8H&R Cock 7Best Blow 7Fourgasm 6Tender Titties 6Spoiled Meat 5Golden Showers 5The Unalicker 5Dah Gimp 5Cock-a-Noodle 4Vonder Twat 4Shut The Fuck Up 4Herpe The Love Bug 4Ugandarrhea 4Y=Pi 3Goes Down Dirty 3Cock In A Box 3Little Boy Blue Balls 3Beat It 2Pecker Checker 2Gourmet 2Broke Dick Mountain 2Afro Samurai 2Crack Whore 2More Leggs 2No Funyun 2Icebox 2Porkless 2NHN 1611 Mike Kraeutle 2Vagina Slime 1I'm Not Gay 1Soggy Sparks 1Droopy Drawers 1Ribbed 4 Her Pleasure 1NHN Grant Bierley 1Fluffer 1Screws On First 1Hyper Hand Job 1NHN Agnes Sister of Moore Legs 13-Way Time 1Summer's Eve 1Priority Male 1Jason & The Gargle Nuts 1Menage A Neuf 1Vommitt Dog 1Dick-a-langelo 1Shamcock (SCH4) 1Wind Tunnel 1Jerkns & the Butternuts 1Kenny Kan't Kum 1Sir Peesalot 1Stocks & Bondage 1Martha Screw-Her 1Chairman of the Whore 1St Eager Retriever 1AssTek 14 Whores and 7 Queers Ago 1

Newbie Hashers

* All time hashing count listed

Newbie True Hares

* All time true haring count listed
    Hare CountNo Funyun 21Vonder Twat 4Martha Screw-Her 1NHN Agnes Sister of Moore Legs 1Jerkns & the Butternuts 1Menage A Neuf 1NHN 1611 Mike Kraeutle 1Screws On First 1Wind Tunnel 1Summer's Eve 1Priority Male 1

Newbie Hyper Hares

* All time hyper haring count listed
    Hare CountNo Funyun 26Goes Down Dirty 20NHN 1611 Mike Kraeutle 1NHN Grant Bierley 14 Whores and 7 Queers Ago 1

Newbie Overall Hares

* All time overall haring count listed
    Hare CountNo Funyun 47Goes Down Dirty 23Vonder Twat 44 Whores and 7 Queers Ago 2NHN 1611 Mike Kraeutle 2Priority Male 1Summer's Eve 1NHN Grant Bierley 1Martha Screw-Her 1NHN Agnes Sister of Moore Legs 1Menage A Neuf 1Wind Tunnel 1Screws On First 1