Hyper Haring Percentages

This shows the percentage of hyper hashes that make up each hare's haring list. The hyper haring percentage shows the percentage of harings people have done that were hyper hashes.
Hasher Name Haring Count (All) Haring Count (Hyper Hashes) Hyper Haring Percentage Non-Hyper Haring Percentage
Hot Tub Slut 52 3 5.7692 94.2308
Unlucky Skidmark 12 1 8.3333 91.6667
Dah Gimp 11 1 9.0909 90.9091
Ultra Hienie 5 1 20.0000 80.0000
Eager Beaver DH3 3 1 33.3333 66.6667
Got Crabs? 3 1 33.3333 66.6667
Queef Heard Around the World 2 1 50.0000 50.0000
Slippery Asshole 2 1 50.0000 50.0000
Fear and Boning in Lost Ficus 1 1 100.0000 0.0000
3 Prong in the Dong 1 1 100.0000 0.0000